Dental fillings are ideal for those with various oral health problems. They are commonly used to fix a tooth damaged by cavities. If you are planning on getting dental fillings or you already have some, you might be wondering how long they can last.
The Durability of Dental Fillings
Dental fillings are durable, but they cannot last a lifetime. The durability of dental fillings depends on a wide range of factors. For instance, the type of material used to make a dental filling plays a role in determining its durability. On average, amalgam (metal) fillings tend to last for about 12 years. On the other hand, composite fillings last shorter than that (mostly 6-8 years). Amalgam fillings tend to last longer than composite ones because they are made of more durable material. The material also offers better resistance to damage caused by jaw pressure when chewing food.
How you care for your oral fillings also plays a role in determining their durability. It is recommended that you brush and floss your teeth on a regular basis to avoid infections. Inconsistent oral hygiene could reduce the lifespan of your dental fillings significantly. Apart from practicing good oral hygiene, you should visit our offices for oral checks to ensure that the fillings are intact and healthy.
It is important to note that dental fillings can be damaged. If you notice cracks on your dental filling or sudden sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, you should visit our offices for treatment immediately. Fixing the damaged dental filling on time will restore its durability.
Also, You should take good care of your dental fillings by using fluoridated toothpaste on a regular basis. This is important because it helps keep them firm and healthy. You should also avoid chewing on hard foods like ice. Get in touch with us for more information on the durability of dental fillings.
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